Hybrid Annual General Meeting - Wednesday, October 9, 2024 - 10 a.m.
Three New Articles Published – Aphasia Institute

Three New Articles Published

We are pleased to announce that we have now published three articles as part of a larger research study we conducted to improve the acute care experience related to aphasia. The first article highlights lessons learned from a real-world implementation journey and the other two articles highlight perspectives from healthcare providers and family members to identify opportunities to improve communicative access. We would like to acknowledge Nina Simmons-Mackie for working with us on these publications. Check out the articles here: 

Improving communicative access and patient experience in acute stroke care: An implementation journey 

Aphasia and acute care: a qualitative study of healthcare provider perspectives 

Aphasia and acute care: a qualitative study of family perspectives 

"Volunteering at the Aphasia Institute has been an amazing experience. It’s such a great feeling to help someone express themselves, or help someone understand another’s message. It can be challenging sometimes, but that just makes the moment a connection goes through that much more special. More than anything, I really appreciate the strong sense of community that the Aphasia Institute creates and being a part of that community."
- Vidya David, Volunteer
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