Communication Aid for Capacity Evaluation (CACE)
The Aphasia Institute is pleased to offer you the Communication Aid for Capacity Evaluation – CACE
Alexandra Carling-Rowland, Ph.D., developed and tested CACE, a communicatively accessible capacity evaluation process to help health care professionals determine whether or not people living with communication barriers have the capacity to decide where they shall live. CACE is designed to be used with individuals who need help to understand information and to express themselves. CACE can be used with people living with aphasia, speech disorders or hearing loss and with those who speak English as an acquired language.
The Aphasia Institute has partnered with Alexandra to publish CACE. We strongly recommend you read the manual before you first administer CACE.
Individual CACE items available for download:
- CACE Manual
- CACE Evaluator’s Version – it is recommended that you print this version in colour
- CACE Communication Cards
- CACE Response Form and Rights Information
- CACE Addendums
- CACE Instructional Video