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Selected Publications & Presentations – Aphasia Institute

Selected Publications & Presentations


Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCATM): Research & related publications

Kagan, A., Black, S., Duchan, J. F., Simmons Mackie, N., & Square, P. (2001). Training volunteers as conversation partners using Supported conversation for adults with aphasia: A controlled trial. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 44(3), 624-638. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2001/051)

SCATM has been cited in the Canadian Stroke Best Practices Recommendations – Rehabilitation to Improve Language and Communication (6th ed., 2019 updated)

Kagan, A. (2019). Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (SCA). In J. S. Damico and M. J. Ball (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publishing.

Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., & Victor, J.C. (2018). The Impact of Exposure With No Training: Implications for Future Partner Training Research. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61, 1-6. doi:10.1044/2018_JSLHR-L-17-0413

Simmons-Mackie, N., & Kagan, A. (1999). Communication strategies used by good versus poor speaking partners of individuals with aphasia. Aphasiology 13: 807-820. doi:10.1080/026870399401894

Kagan, A. (1998). Philosophical, practical and evaluative issues associated with Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia: A reply. Aphasiology, 12(9), 851-864. doi:10.1080/02687039808249580

Kagan, A. (1998). Supported conversation for adults with aphasia: Methods and resources for training conversation partners. Aphasiology, 12(9), 816-830. doi:10.1080/02687039808249575

Kagan, A. (1995). Revealing the competence of aphasic adults through conversation: A challenge to health professionals. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 2(1), 15-28. doi:10.1080/10749357.1995.11754051

Kagan, A. & Gailey, G.F. (1993). Functional is not enough: Training conversation partners for aphasic adults. In A. L. Holland and M. M. Forbes (Eds.), Aphasia Treatment: World perspectives (pp.199-225). San Diego, CA: Springer Publishing Group, Inc.

Development and Evaluation of Tools

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  • Measuring Skill in Supported Conversation / Measuring of Participation in Conversation (MSC / MPC):
    See: Kagan, A., Winckel, J., Black, S., Duchan, J., Simmons-Mackie, N., & Square, P. (2004). A set of observational measures for rating support and participation in conversation between adults with aphasia and their conversation partners. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 11(1), 67-83. doi:10.1310/CL3V-A94A-DE5C-CVBE


  • Basic Outcome Measure Protocol for Aphasia (BOMPA): 
    Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., Shumway, E., Victor, J.C., & Chan, L. (2020). Development and Evaluation of the Basic Outcome Measure Protocol for Aphasia (BOMPA). International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. doi:10.1080/17549507.2020.1784278
  • Assessment for Living with Aphasia (ALA):
    Simmons-Mackie, N, Kagan, A., Victor, J. C., Carling-Rowland, A., Mok, A., Hoch, J. S., Huijbregts, M., Streiner, D.L. (2014) The Assessment for Living with Aphasia: Reliability and construct validity.  International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 16(1), 82-94. doi:10.3109/17549507.2013.831484
  • Communicatively accessible hearing screenings:
    Samson, L. & DeLuzio, Jo(anne). (2019). Conducting Communicatively Accessible Hearing Screenings for People with Aphasia. Canadian Audiologist, 6(1). Retrieved February 8, 2021 from
  • General outcome measurement:
    Simmons-Mackie, N., Threats, T., & Kagan, A. (2005). Outcome assessment in aphasia: A survey. Journal of Communication Disorders, 38, 1-27. doi:10.1016/j.jcomdis.2004.03.007


  • Communicative Access Measures for Stroke (CAMS):
    Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., Victor, J.C., & Chan, M.T. (2017). Communicative Access Measures for Stroke: Development and Evaluation of a Quality Improvement Tool.  Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(11), 2228-2236. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2017.04.017

Communicative access: Advocacy, Decision-making & System change

For products and tools related to articles, see Resources & Tools and Online Store.

Kagan, A., Shumway, E., & MacDonald, S. (2020). Assumptions about decision-making capacity and aphasia: Ethical implications and impact. Seminars in Speech and Language, 41(3), 221-231. doi:10.1055/s-0040-1712115

Kagan, A., Shumway, E., & MacDonald, S. (2021, May). Capacity Assessments and Aphasia: Communication Support Strategies to Reveal Competence. Poster presented at Clinical Aphasiology Conference (virtual).

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Lead, Professional Education, and Implementation

Kagan, A. (2020, June). Aphasia Treatment Decisions and ‘Preferences’: Let’s Talk. Seminar presented at Aphasia Access 24-hour Virtual Global Teach-In. Retrieved Retrieved September 22, 2021 from

Carling-Rowland, A., Black, S., McDonald, L., & Kagan, A. (2014). Increasing access to fair capacity evaluation for discharge decision-making for people with aphasia: A randomised controlled trial. Aphasiology, 28(6), 750-765. doi:10.1080/02687038.2014.895975

Kagan, A., & Simmons-Mackie, N. (2013). Changing the Aphasia Narrative: Laying down the gauntlet: Our modest proposal for an elevator pitch describing the aphasia services SLPs deliver—and why SLPs are the ones to provide them. ASHA Leader, 18(11). doi:10.1044/leader.FMP.18112013.6

Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., Gibson, J., Conklin, J., & Elman, R.J. (2010). Closing the evidence, research and practice loop: Examples of knowledge transfer and exchange from the field of aphasia. Aphasiology, 24(4), 535 – 548. doi:10.1080/02687030902935959

Simmons-Mackie, N., Kagan, A., O’Neill Christie, C., Huijbregts, M., McEwen, S., & Willems, J. (2007). Communicative access and decision making for people with aphasia: Implementing sustainable health care systems change. Aphasiology, 27(1), 39-66. doi:10.1080/02687030600798287

Kagan, A. & LeBlanc, K. (2002). Motivating for infrastructure change: toward a communicatively accessible, participation-based stroke care system for all those affected by aphasia. Journal of Communication Disorders, 35(2), 153-169. doi:10.1016/s0021-9924(02)00062-x

Kagan, A. (2017, January 19). Improving your compliance with stroke best practice across settings and professions: Practical methods to reduce language barriers for patients with aphasia. Webinar with Heart & Stroke Foundation Canadian Stroke Best Practice Recommendations

Kagan, A., Bayley, M., Simmons-Mackie, N., Rochon, E., Cook, S., Gibson, J.B., Hickey, E., Kelloway, L., Le Dorze, G., Purves, B., & Worrall, L. (2014, October).  Stroke and Aphasia Best Practice: A Canadian KTE Collaboration. Poster presented at the 5th Canadian Stroke Congress, Vancouver, BC.

Kagan, A. & Kimelman, M. (1995). Informed consent in aphasia research: Myth or reality. In Clinical Aphasiology, 23, 65-75. Retrieved February 8. 2021 from

Health-related Quality of Life, Health economics & Aphasia Statistics

  • Health economics:
    Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., Kapral, M., Hoch, J., Graves, E., Mecredy, G., Whitehurst, D., & Chan, M.T. (2017, May). Health care utilization and costs in people with stroke – with and without aphasia – in Ontario, Canada. Poster presented at the Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Snowbird, Utah.

  • Aphasia Statistics:
    Dickey, L., Kagan, A., Lindsay, P., Fang, J., Rowland, A., & Black S. (2010). Incidence and profile of inpatient stroke-induced aphasia in Ontario, Canada. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(2), 196-202. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2009.09.020

Aphasia Institute Approaches & Practice


See also:

LPAA Project Group (Chapey, R., Duchan, J. F., Elman, R. J., Garcia, L. J., Kagan, A., Lyon, J., & Simmons Mackie, N.). (2000). Life participation approach to aphasia: A statement of values for the future. ASHA Leader, 5(3), 4-6. Retrieved February 16, 2021 from (Reprinted in Chapey, R. (Ed.). (2001). Language intervention strategies in aphasia and related neurogenic communication disorders. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.)

Simmons-Mackie, N., Conklin, J., & Kagan, A. (2008). Think tank deliberates future directions for the social approach to aphasia. Perspectives on Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders, 18, 24-32. doi:10.1044/nnsld18.1.24

Kagan, A. (2020). The Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAA): A twenty-year milestone. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, SIG 2 Neurogenic Communication Disorders. doi:10.1044/2020_PERSP-20-00017

  • Living with Aphasia: Framework for Outcome Measurement (A-FROM)

Kagan, A., Simmons-Mackie, N., Rowland, A., Huijbregts, M., Shumway, E., McEwen, S., Threats, T. & Sharp, S. (2008). Counting what counts: A framework for capturing real-life outcomes of aphasia intervention. Aphasiology, 22(3), 258-280. doi:10.1080/02687030701282595

Kagan, A. & Simmons-Mackie, N. (2007). Beginning with the end: Outcome-driven assessment and intervention with life participation in mind. Topics in Language Disorders, 27(4), 309-317. doi:10.1097/

Simmons-Mackie, N. & Kagan, A. (2007). Application of the ICF in aphasia. Seminars in Speech and Language, 28(4), 244-253. doi:10.1055/s-2007-986521


Cohen-Schneider, R., Chan, M. T., McCall, D. M., Tedesco, A. M., & Abramson, A. P. (2020). Spotlight on the Clinician in the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia: Balancing Relationship-Centered Care and Professionalism. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 5(2), 414-424. doi:10.1044/2019_PERSP-19-00025

Low, C., Podolsky, L., & Nesci, E. (2017, March). Serving the Underserved: Primary Progressive Aphasia Services in the Life Participation Model. Poster presented at the Aphasia Access Leadership Summit, Orlando, Florida.

Kagan, A. (2011). A-FROM in action at the Aphasia Institute. Seminars in Speech and Language, 32(3), 216-28. doi:10.1055/s-0031-1286176

Kagan, A., Cohen-Schneider, R., Sherman C., & Podolsky, L. (2006). Groups in the Aphasia Institute’s Introductory Program: Preparing to Live Successfully with Aphasia. In R.J. Elman (Ed.), Group Treatment of Neurogenic Communication Disorders: The Expert Clinician’s Approach, Second Edition. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing Inc.

Kagan, A. (2003). Aphasia centres and community: More than just a sum of parts. In S. Parr, J. Duchan & C. Pound (Eds.), Aphasia inside out. Berkshire, England: Open University Press.

Kagan, A., and Cohen-Schneider, R. (1999). Groups in the Introductory Program at the Pat Arato Aphasia Centre. In R. J. Elman (Ed.), Group treatment of neurogenic communication disorders: The expert clinician’s approach pp. 97-106. Boston, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Kagan, A., Stiell, K., Gailey, G., Patterson, R., Wells, A., Bindman, B., Cohen-Schneider, R., & Podolsky, L. (1995). Family perspectives from three aphasia centres in Ontario, Canada. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 2(3), 33-52. doi:10.1080/10749357.1995.11754079


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